
发布时间: 2024-10-13
阅读人数: 7
  1. Key Terminology 主要术语

Specific terms and definitions are provided below.


Affidavit. A written statement of facts voluntarily made by an affiant under an oath or affirmation administered by a person authorized to do so by law.


Bill of Materials (BOM). A list of the raw materials, sub-components, components, parts and quantities of each needed to manufacture an end product.


Certification Assessment. Independent evaluation of a product claim using specific, predetermined criteria and procedures with assurance of data reliability.


Certified Product. Finished product and raw materials, subassemblies, components and accessories for which a manufacturer has demonstrated full conformance to the requirements of the standard,and for which the manufacturer is therefore authorized to apply the SCS Certification Label, as evidence that the product complies with the program requirements.

认证产品:制造商证实其产品、原材料、组件、成分和零件完全符合标准要求,有权申请 SCS 认证商标作为其产品符合项目要求的标志。

Chain of Custody. The path that a material/product takes from its point of production to the end consumer, consisting of each entity that takes legal and/or physical possession along this pathway.


Claim. Oral, written, implied, or symbolic representation, statement, or advertising or other form of communication presented to the public or buyers of products that relates to a product’s environmental claim such as the percentage of recycled content. An environmental marketing claim must be consistent and compliant with Federal Trade Commission guidelines.


Component. A material or ingredient used in the manufacture of a product.


Content. Proportion, by mass, of a type of material in a product or packaging.


Data Review Period. The 12-month period of time represented by the data submitted for an assessment. This is typically comprised of the four most recent consecutive quarters, and at a  minimum the most recent quarter. The data review period shall be the same for all data included in the review. Data provided for this period shall be for materials used for salable production only.

数据评估周期:每 12 个月递交一次评估数据。这些数据通常由 4 个最近的连续季度组成,并且至少一个最近的季度期。评审周期对于评审过程中的所有的数据必须是一致的。

Note: In the case that requested data are not available for the most recent twelve consecutive months because of an acceptable circumstance, the data review period shall be set by SCS. Acceptable circumstances are subject to the discretion of SCS. If certification is granted based on a limited data review period, additional data may be requested to verify the claim after initial certification, per the auditor’s recommendation.

注:在可接受的情况下,如果提供不了最近 12 个月的数据,那么数据评估期应由 SCS 决定。SCS 享有可接受情况的自由裁量权。如果根据有限的数据审核期颁发了证书,那么初次认证后,根据审核员的建议,需要提供另外的数据来验证声明。

Gross Production. The total amount of product coming off the manufacturing line, including any waste from trimming or finishing, defective products, and all non-saleable material. Also referred to as “total production.”


Manufacturer. Organization or individual responsible for the production of the product undergoing certification assessment.


Manufacturing Site. The physical location where the production of the product undergoing certification assessment occurs.


Post-Consumer Material. Material generated by households or by commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities in their role as end-users of the product that can no longer be used for its intended purpose. This includes returns of materials from the distribution chain. (Source: ISO14021:1999)


Note: For the purposes of the SCS certification program this is being interpreted to mean that any material returned from the distribution chain must meet the requirement of being from end-users to be considered post-consumer.

注:根据 SCS 认证项目的目的,此条款中从销售链回收的原料必须满足是从最终用户处回收这一要求,才能被视为消费后材料。

Post-Industrial Material. Another name for pre-consumer material. Use of the term, “post-industrial material” has been phased out.


Pre-Consumer Material. Material diverted from the waste stream during the manufacturing process.Excluded is the reutilization of materials such as rework, regrind or scrap generated in a process and capable of being reclaimed within the same process that generated it. (Source: ISO 14021:1999)


Private Label Customer. The primary entity that purchases a SCS certified product directly from a SCS Certified Client for the purpose of selling said product as a private label product, with only label and/or packaging modifications.

个体标签用户:从已获得 SCS 认证的客户处直接购买已认证的产品,仅对产品标签或包装进行改变,目的是对此产品进行销售的组织。

Product. A product is an item with defined materials, function, and styles. It may be associated with a specific stock-keeping unit (SKU). When considering the material basis, ancillary materials may be considered. Secondary materials may relate to type, style, fabrication method, or specific function.


Product Category. A product category is a grouping of products that have similar key material basis and serve a similar function.


Records. Any information in written, visual, or electronic form that documents the activities undertaken by a user to demonstrate conformance with this Standard.


Recycled Content. Proportion, by mass, of recycled material in a product or packaging. Only pre

consumer and post-consumer materials shall be considered as recycled content. (Source: ISO14021:1999)


Recycled Material. Material that has been reprocessed from recovered [reclaimed] material by means of a manufacturing process and made into a final product or into a component for incorporation into a final product. (Source: ISO 14021:1999)

再循环材料: 生产过程中对回收材料加以再处理,用来制造最终产品或产品部件的材料。(来源:ISO14021:1999)

Note: SCS may interpret a material to be recycled if it is “used, reused, or reclaimed” according to United States Government Code of Federal Regulations Title 40: Protection of Environment Part 261.1:

注:SCS 根据美国联邦政府法典第 40 款:环境保护部分,第 261.1 条,定义回收材料为当“原料是使用过的、再生的或回收的”

(4) A material is “reclaimed” if it is processed to recover a usable product, or if it is regenerated…


(5) A material is “used or reused” if it is either:


(i) Employed as an ingredient (including use as an intermediate) in an industrial process to make a product (for example, distillation bottoms from one process used as feedstock in another process). However, a material will not satisfy this condition if distinct components of the material are recovered as separate end products (as when metals are recovered from metal

containing secondary materials); or


(ii) Employed in a particular function or application as an effective substitute for a commercial product (for example, spent pickle liquor used as phosphorous precipitant and sludge conditioner in wastewater treatment).


Scrap. Rejected or discarded material generated by a manufacturing process. Scrap cannot be claimed as pre-consumer recycled material if it is fed back into and reused in the same process that generated it without any further processing before reuse. Examples of scrap include material from manufacturing equipment (e.g. start up/shut down material), side/end trimmings, material generated from sanding, off-spec/non-conforming product, etc.


SCS Supplier Affidavit Form. A form that is required from suppliers of recycled material. The form requires disclosure that the supplier has done business with the manufacturer, information about the company (e.g. length of time in business, business license, etc.) and information about the type of recycled material provided (e.g. amount sold, source of recycled material, waste stream source,etc.). The form must be signed by a duly authorized representative.

SCS 供应商承诺书:需要回收原料供应商签署的表格。表格要求提供与生产企业有合作的供应商信息(如公司经营年限、营业执照等)和关于供应原料的类型(如销售量、回收原料来源、废料来源等)。表格必须由授权的公司代表签字。

Stakeholders. People who are, or who might be, affected by any action taken by users of this Standard. Examples include: customers, workers, partners, contractors, suppliers, etc.


Standard. When capitalized, refers to this Standard (SCS Recycled Content Standard).

标准:当大写时,指的是本标准(SCS 回收成分标准)。

Supplier. Organization that supplies a material, product or service to the manufacturer. Brokers are not considered suppliers unless they provide a physical chain of custody from actual suppliers.


Traceability. The ability to trace materials and/or products sequentially throughout a manufacturing process and/or value chain in a way that is verifiable through objective evidence.


Waste. Anything for which the generator or holder has no further use and which is discarded or is released to the environment (Source: ISO 14021:1999).


Waste Stream. The aggregate flow of waste material from homes, businesses, institutions and industry that is recycled, burned or landfilled.


Waste Stream Source. The specific origin of a waste material.


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